Tank is home :)

Thank goodness…Tank is HOME 🙂  We picked him up this afternoon and made it home safe and sound.  I was such a mess when we got to the drs office, but my husband helped me “get it together” and we were ready to see our boy!!  We got to meet with the dr and ask a lot of questions so that was a good thing.  Then they went to get Tank.  I have been saying for days that I just wanted him to look like Tank.  I know that sounds stupid, but it was a mental thing.  Well they opened the door and there he was… TANK!!!  He tried to jump on my husband and could not lick us enough.  He was so happy to see us and he was acting totally normal.  I was worried about the drug induced “haze” but at the time he was great.  I assume maybe they have to be somewhat alert to get them home!!!  We had some trouble getting him in the car due to his size and the gigantic cone of shame, but we did it.   He looked out the window all the way home and seemed to be doing great.  Again, a little struggle getting him out of the car but we managed to make it in safe and sound.  He ate some ( yay) and he let us know he needed to go outside.  We are trying to help him get around and I hope we can sense when he doesn’t need us as much.  For now, better safe than sorry!!!  He is gassy as all get out but we can handle that 🙂

I know we have a long road ahead, but we are thrilled to have him back with us!!  His sister Harley went to “camp” today so that we could get him settled without her.  She is going to be so excited to see him… I think she has been grieving the past two days!!  She missed him as much as we did.

He is bandaged up pretty good… the kids think he looks like a race horse…. If he makes it more than a couple of days without somebody drawing a big number on the side of his bandage it will be a miracle.    I will update more later, just wanted to share that he is home!!!024

6 thoughts on “Tank is home :)”

  1. What a trooper! I know it is such a relief to get Tank home. It sounds like he has quite a big personality, and he looks so sweet….good luck the next few days, and keep us posted on the big guy.

  2. It’s big because Tank is HUGE:-) What an absolutely exquisitedog!

    So glad he’s home too! I’m must grinning at now excited you are…it’s bringing back such wonderful memories of gettug my Happy Hannah home!

    Now remember, Tank may “tank” in another two or three days when all the hospital meds are out of his system and he’s dependent on pills! Right now he’s just enjoying riding around on the pink elephants he’s envisioning!

    Keep us posted when you have time! This is a wonderful update!

    Give Tank a welcome home kiss for us! And hugs to you!


    Sally and Happy Hannah

  3. Super news!! He looks really good for all that he has gone thru and it sounds like he is beginning his recovery on a good note.

    Thinking of you.

    Luanne and Shooter

  4. Yayyyyyyy! Tank you look great! So glad you made it through. There’s no place like home for recovery, I have my paws crossed it’s uneventful and boring so you can get back on your paws. xoxo

  5. What great news! I hope you’ll continue to keep us posted. We are facing this soon with our golden retriever.
    So happy he’s done well. 🙂

    Will be praying for y’all!

    Gayle and Toto

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