Been home a week today :)

Well Tank has now been home with us a full week!!! I feel like I should knock on wood but so far he is doing fabulous!!!! He has not shown any signs of pain, he isn’t really acting odd, and he is not seeming to be upset at all. Yes, he is sleeping most of the day, but it keeps him from over-doing it which was a huge concern of mine.
He got his bandages off yesterday and even that ended up better than I thought. Yes, it is a LONG scar.. but it is clean and neat and once his hair grows back it won’t be bad at all!! When we were at the office it was funny because everybody in the waiting room was enjoying him. He had been in the house for 6 days and was ready to be out and about!! He jumped right in the car ( which was a blessing because my husband and I had a heck of a time getting him in and out of the car when he came home last week!!) and enjoyed the ride to the vet 🙂
Today he went from taking two types of pain pills to just one. I was a little worried we would see signs of pain today but so far so good. He is still sleepy ( and I refuse to think that is a sign of depression..just good healing) but when he does get up he is having more and more spring in his step!
The only thing he is doing/not doing that bothers me is that he seems totally uninterested in food. I work hard at it and eventually he does eat, but nothing like he did before. I just want him to keep his strength and weight up incase he struggles with chemo. I guess we are babying him a little much by allowing him to eat in bed but oh well… he has been a total stud thorugh all of this and he deserves some special treatment
Anyway, just wanted to give an update on Tank. I swear he is my hero!!!

6 thoughts on “Been home a week today :)”

  1. That is awesome news. It is early yet in recovery so don’t be surprised if he kinda crashes. That is totally normal. Since he still does have pain meds on board & some from surgery still. This is awesome that Tank is doing so great

    Michelle & Sassy

  2. Yay for Tank! He seems to be doing great for a larger dog.

    Many dogs seem to have some appetite loss and the best you can do is keep experimenting until you find something that perks their interest and it often seems to be something not so appealing to our human sense of smell :-). You can find some great information and ideas on the site.

    Keep us updated.

    Luanne and Shooter

  3. That really is an incredible update this early on and for such a big boy! He has every right to be babied!

    Hero indeed!! And the bond will continue to be stronger than you could ever have imagined!

    The eating may show signs of improve-
    ment now that you’ve lessened the pain meds. Do some searches here on gettng dogs to eat…lots of good links.

    Soooooo happy for you and look forward to more wonderful updates!

    Rest is good! For yoj also!

    Surrounding you with continued flawless healing,

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  4. I’m so glad to hear he’s doing well! Not to sound selfish, but I look to you for guidance since our Toto just underwent surgery yesterday. Y’all are a week ahead of us so I look forward to your posts.
    My vet has always said, “She’ll eat when she’s hungry.” 🙂 I worry about that too…as I did with my children! LOL
    Hoping for more and more joy for you and Tank!

  5. What a handsome boy! Keep on truckin, Tank!
    Thanks for sharing your story. Our Oreo’s appetite picked up about a week after surgery; after she got off all the pain meds. And why not breakfast (and dinner) in bed? Sounds good. 🙂
    x HUG x

  6. Woot! Woot! Tank is our hero too!

    The appetite thing will come back, it’s just his body saving its energy for healing. In a week you’ll wonder why you were ever so worried.

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