4 months and Thanksgiving!

This fall has been a whirlwind, and I know I should update Tanks blog more often.. but I guess better late than never 🙂 In the last month he has finished him chemo ( YAY!!!!), had another perfect blood test, and pretty much just been a great dog. I am so glad that he is doing so well. He amazes me day after day!
We go back to the oncologist on the 17th for lung xrays, and then we will go every three months. WOW… at one point I wasn’t sure he would have three months, now we are booking appointments that far in advance 🙂 Hooray for Tank!!!
I wanted to share with you guys that for Thanksgiving I found ( on this site of course) the perfect wine for our year…. we celebrated with Three Legged Red and it absolutely made our holiday perfect. We are thinking we might have a bottle on every ampuversary. Just seemed so fitting!!
We have a question, and I guess this is a good place for people to share information. What is “normal” for activity for a tripawd? We have noticed that some days Tank will just look “little”… like he is not standing up all the way on his front leg. I guess we don’t know if we should be working him up to being more active, or letting him take things at his pace??? We will take he and his sister to a field and let them play for 20 or so min, but then later in the day notice that he seems to be paying the price. But the next morning he is fine?? Seems to me he just needs to build stamina back up, but we are so cautious about letting him do anything that might hurt him. Thoughts????
Anyway, just an update from Texas to say that our boy is awesome, feeling great, happy to be alive, and certainly adding much joy to our holiday season. Its a good world right now:)

5 thoughts on “4 months and Thanksgiving!”


    Congratulatins on completing checmo Tank!! Makes things even seem more normal and that’s a good feeling!

    And three month ampuversary celebration with a bottle of Three Legged Wine!! LOVE THAT!! Okay, so what did your mom and dad drink if you had the wine??:-) 🙂

    As far as Tank seeming more worn out, to me, that sounds pretty nor al for the big guys! My Happy Hannah, a 118 lb Bull Mastiff (123 lbs. with “the” leg),definitely has less stamina. Now, she’s so ewhat of a snuggle big couch potato anyway, but she loves her deep sleep naps even more now.

    She’s still very active…it’s just in shorter bursts and she sits a lot when she’s out “romping” about. She loves rolling on her back in the grass and is perfectly happy with the “trade off”.

    Now, you’ll get varying opinio s, but for me, I’m more on the side of let them do their own pace and not pushing it at all. Have the vet check Tank’s leg and back over to make sure there are o sprains or pulled muscles. You can then check i to vuilding up his core muscles…search the stie here and you’ll find all sorts of suggestions.

    Big dogs walking n tnree legs use a lot more energy than they are used to! A 20 minute romp takes a lot of effort now. So jist my two cents is that is muscles jist haven’t built up yet and hr may be overdoing it when playing hard for spurts. Others will say it’s not so much about building up for “longer”walks, but building up the core muscles so he can enjoy shorter walks without zonking out!

    These vlogs go up and down so quickly. May I suggest putting your question about his stamina in the forums where ore are likely to see it? Maybe under”Size and Shape Matters”. I know I very much lean on the “go at their own pace” side and make sure they aren’t over doing it. It may be that the romps in the park need to be shorter…but more frequent, if possible.

    SO HAPPY TO SEE TANK IS DOING SO WELL!! Made my day! He’s such a wonderful soul…abd he has a wonderful mom too! You make a great team!

    HAPY AMPUVERSARY TANK!! Gonna eat ice cream in your ho or!!

    Hugs and love,

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  2. Oooooops! Four month ampuversary…not three! That even calls for more ice cream and you get another bottleof THREE LEGGED RED!!

  3. Hip, hip, hooray for Tank!

    We also have tried the Three Legged Red, and in fact gave a bottle to Murphy’s surgeon at his “OK to be off the leash” appointment.

    As far as the getting back into shape pace goes, one thing that you might try is the core strengthening exercises. This seems to make a big difference for Murph. Of course, we are not dealing with cancer here, but there have been other unique problems with Murphy’s situation. Physical therapy also helped him tremendously.

    Kathi and Murphy

  4. Yay Tank! So happy to hear you are doing great. That’s the kind of news we like to hear. Hoppy ampuversary!

    Luanne and Spirit Shooter

  5. Tank you are ROCKIN! It’s great to hear from you. We are also big fans of Three Legged Red!

    As for the stamina issue. First, be sure to post in our Size and Age Matter Discussion Forum topic for even more insight from members. I do agree with Sally completely that this sounds like normal activity for a large boy like you.

    We do have some excellent ideas for staying strong and full of stamina throughout the ebook we put together, Loving Life on Three Legs: http://downloads.tripawds.com/store/products/loving-life-on-three-legs/

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