We knew :(

tankWell, we took Tank to the oncologist yesterday ( a month earlier than scheduled) because we felt like he was “off”. Obviously our instincts were correct which is heartbreaking. He has three pretty significant size tumors in his lungs. You know when you have that feeling that you have beat this nasty monster?? That is how we felt the last few months. We really felt like he was going to be the exception, not the rule. But that isn’t going to be the case.
The Dr. was great and explained to us his best guess as to what to expect. He said he feels like with no treament Tank is looking at a few weeks. We could just elimiate as much pain as possible and try to enjoy our time with him. Or, we could try Palladia. He reommended trying it for one month and then xray again to see if the tumors either get bigger, get smaller, or stay the same. Then we choose again.
For now we are doing the Palladia and started it yesterday. He is doing it every other day rather than M_W_F due to his size. I felt like yesterday he did ok.. but the more I read on this site last night the more nervous I got about it. We are asking some more questions today and hopefully we will feel a little better.
My heart is breaking ( as I know you guys understand). Tank will be 6 on Monday. It is just not fair!!! I am sick to my stomach thinking that it is going to be up to us to decide when he is in too much pain. I have never had to let a dog go and I have no idea how/when it will be the right time. I keep hearing/reading that I will know.. that he will tell me… but will I see it?? He is really struggling to stand up/lay down right now and that alone is breaking my heart. He just kind of collapes, and at his size it is a big fall.
Damn it, I wanted to beat this. I will share more later, I just wanted to let you guys know so that we could be added to prayer list and happy thoughts lists!!

7 thoughts on “We knew :(”

  1. 🙁 I’m so sorry. Many prayers to you. Fingers xd the palladia helps. We used it to control a tumor on our guys leg and it did help. hopefully you guys have some luck with it as well. Thinking of you and your big guy
    Lori and the family

  2. Oh guys, I know that feeling, it knocks the wind out of you. Keep in mind that Tank doesn’t know any better, he’s still the same dog, and many dogs can live a long time with mets and have a good quality of life too.

    I’m really sorry to read this, but you are being very proactive and giving it all you’ve got. You are amazing parents, whatever happens next I know you’re strong enough to cope with it. Keep reading about knowing when to say when. It’s hard but it will better prepare you for some day, hopefully a very long time from now.

  3. Nothingh has changed in Tank’s world and that is soooooo important to hang onto!! Tank is not focused on ANYTHING the Dr. or xrays had to say.

    Tank iS focused on getting all the loving and spoling and peaceand calm you can cram into every moment! He is definitely living in the moment.

    And no human being on this planet can predict “time frames”…this site has proven that over and over again.

    This is a very, very heard spot for humans to be in. We must remember that in Tank’s world all is well! Sure, he’s a little tired…that doesn’t equate to giving up or not enjoying life. He still has plenty of quality time to share with you.

    And this is almost impossible, but commit to not letting anything rob you of your time together! Say it over andover andover…”I will not let anything rob us of our time together! Tank sure isn’t!”

    As far as “when”…all you need to know is it is NOT now. And I dn’t say that lightly. He’ll probably have some ups and downs, some good days, less good days. He will let you know. It will be his decision so you can release that fear and just “trust”. to do otherwise is to let that piece of crap disease try and take away your time together and we’re not lettng that happen!

    Did you ask your vet about Luekeran? It’s part of a metronomic prgram and has almost no side effects. And if he says there are no “official” studies, have him checkout this site for “real time” studies.

    Yeah, I think Palladia can be rough…NOT ALWAYS…..it seems to hit the GI system pretty hard but mske sure he gives you all the pre-cautionary meds to prevent that from happening.

    Also, you might want to have a c sult with Dr. Charles Loops..a holistic vetoutof NC…you’ll find links to him n the site.

    You hang inthere…we’re walking withnyou…come here and vent a hundred times a day…but then go back and watch Tank’s tail wag when you reach over to pet him and smile.

    Sending you so much love and healing energy,

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  4. I am so sorry to hear about Tank. We didn’t use the Padilla we just used the other metronomic therapy when Sassy developed mets. We couldn’t afford the padilla.. Knowing is hard. We went in for a follow up check up. Sassy had been a little uncomfortable & panting. I just figured it was due to a staph infection she had in her bladder. It was her mets. Her chest cavity had filled with fluid. I made her a promise never to let her suffer (like many of us) I had the option to drain the fluid. My vet advised that it would come back, no telling when it could be a few days or weeks & it could be a lot worse. I chose that day to let her cross the bridge. That decision is never easy and you are right he will tell you. I knew Sassy would stay for me, but I told her it was ok to go. Each dog has different symptoms all the ones we were told never happened.
    I hope that helps and I do understand where you are coming from.

    Cancer is evil and has no rules and what rules it thinks it has it changes in the middle of it all

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

  5. So sorry about your heartbreaking time . My little Yorkie had mammory cancer , she has large tumours on her tummy and now spread to her lungs . She has been my best friend for 13 years and I dread life without her .
    You are not alone in your sadness ,
    Love and hugs .

  6. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. I hate this disease so much. I’m so sorry for Tank. Palladia has been shown to work very well for some pups, so hopefully Tank will be one of them! But you’re right, it has also been bad for others. You’re an excellent mom and will know if Palladia was a mistake or a blessing. If he starts to really decline very soon, like within the week, it’s probably due to Palladia. If he handles it OK, you’ll know that too as he’ll be doing all the things he loves to do. Do consider, though, that what if the Palladia is working, yet he’s fighting and dealing with unpleasant side effects that are eroding his quality of life? That’s also possible – with any medication. For now, let’s hope that Palladia works wonders!

    As for the end, well, strong signs like not eating, not playing, not wagging a tail, not being able to move on his own, an overwhelming impression of unhappiness and depression…. it’s good to be prepared. Cry and freak out! Then, when ready,m go back to him and give hugs and Be Dog with Tank.

    HUGS HUGS HUGS and more HUGS
    ~ Katy & Jackson

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